Thursday, May 16, 2013

Yearbooks For Sale

Debbie Gray (Hallmark)  is working on a great fundraiser for the Class of 73 reunion. She and Dan Miller,  fellow Edisonian, will be selling CD copies of yearbooks to offset the cost of the (7-13-13) 40th reunion.
Cost is $10 for 1 and $25 for 4. Available years are 1970-1974. So.. if you de-cluttered your house and threw out your yearbooks or if you just can't find them in all the clutter here's your chance to replace them and help a good cause. Even if you have the print, you may want to get an electronic version as a backup.  All information and order forms will be on Class of 73 Blog later and in the invitation (due out in late May).   Thanks to Ellen Jean Buchanan (Austin) for helping with the fundraiser.