We are getting ready to send out the invitations for the 40th reunion. The committee worked hard to put this reunion together. We can't make the reunion successful, however. We worked at locating classmates, contacting all of you via email or phone (if we had a good phone number). Our goal was to make sure no one was left out or not notified. We found a DJ, located a hall, and picked a caterer. The reunion committee worked on the preparations...but the success is determined by the classmates that attend.
Be on the lookout for the invitation in the mail. You'll only have till July 1st to send a check.
If for whatever reason you don't receive your invitation. contact me at Ingrid.m.norris@gmail.com or 219-769-3541 x 370. We thought we had correct addresses but some invitations may still get lost.
The last two classmates that we have not located are:
Patti Mickey
Her father was Elmer Mickey and they lived at 4728 E. 28th Ave in 1973. We don't have any information about who she may have married.
Kathy Manley
Her father was Billy Manley and they lived at 2465 Huntington. We have heard that she may have married a Jones and lived at 2590 County Line Road. We have not been able to verify that and she no longer lives at that address.