Check out our reunion pictures.
Who came to the reunion has the attendees with their yearbook shot.
Reunion pictures are the few pictures we got during the picnic and reunion.
As people send me their pictures I will add more.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
The reunion shots are ready
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Reunion Financial Update
When we went into the reunion we were $160.96 in the hole. Thanks to Mary Ellen and ALL the classmates that attended and participated in the silent auction and 50/50 we made $164 so.... We broke even.
Thanks also to Ruth Hornyak Pappano and Connie Howell Flowers for their monetary donations. It was close but the class came together and we paid our bills. Multiple classmates said they brought their checkbook to the reunion to make sure we broke even. Thanks to all of them and their wives who went home with silent auction items!
The yearbook sales which we continue to sell will help provide seed money for the 45 year reunion on 7-21-18. It might be the "early bird senior special". A new Picture Set on Flickr to follow with names after I catch up with the neglected yard duties. I have some great shots of the guys mopping the floors so we could get our $50 deposit back from the hall rental. Pass on the word that Valpo Eagles is a great place to rent and DJBrad is a terrific DJ.
REMEMBER: To keep current on classmate information sign up for email alerts on the right side of the page. This is a timesaver. You won't have to remember the link to our blog and won't have to remember to check to see what has been posted. And you know how our memory is starting to fail. :)
Monday, July 8, 2013
Who's coming to the reunion?
Yearbook pictures of who's coming to the reunion. If you are not listed and you have sent your check...please contact me. The food order goes in tomorrow.
Flickr link for 2013 attendees
Flickr link for 2013 attendees
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
The Day of The Reunion Free Event
Casual Meet & Greet
July 13, 2013 @ 11am
Riverview Park
Bring your own lunch
Gray (Hallmark)
(219) 477-2061
Pick the Songs for the Party
It's not too early to start thinking about what songs you want to dance to (or listen to) if you're like me and never hit the dance floor.
DJBrad, our DJ for July 13th has a site where you can help choose what songs you want to party to.
What, you can't remember what the top 100 songs were in 1973! Well, after 40 years that's understandable.
For the rest of the list: Click here
DJBrad, our DJ for July 13th has a site where you can help choose what songs you want to party to.
What, you can't remember what the top 100 songs were in 1973! Well, after 40 years that's understandable.
For the rest of the list: Click here
Click here to choose the songs
Friday, June 28, 2013
Blog Newsletter Future
Now that the reunion is closer the questions arises...Will this blog continue?
I believe so. This is an easy way to share information about classmates and our hometown of East Gary / Lake Station. For those that live away from Indiana it's a way to stay in touch with what's happening her in NWI without a mailing cost.
Please feel free to email information about you or your fellow classmates so that we can keep this blog newsletter going.
The postings may not be as regular as before so please check out the FOLLOW BY EMAIL on the right. Rather than remembering to check in to see what is posted you can get an email when something new is posted. or you can also leave a comment on the blog.
--Be well, do good work, and stay in touch. Garrison Keillor --
I believe so. This is an easy way to share information about classmates and our hometown of East Gary / Lake Station. For those that live away from Indiana it's a way to stay in touch with what's happening her in NWI without a mailing cost.
Please feel free to email information about you or your fellow classmates so that we can keep this blog newsletter going.
The postings may not be as regular as before so please check out the FOLLOW BY EMAIL on the right. Rather than remembering to check in to see what is posted you can get an email when something new is posted. or you can also leave a comment on the blog.
--Be well, do good work, and stay in touch. Garrison Keillor --
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Reunion Deadline Fast Approaching
We have 10 more days to buy tickets for the reunion. There is no nice way to say this. The committee put their neck out to set a reunion in motion because classmates expressed interest in having one. The tickets sales have been slow and I am hoping and praying that it is because people have been delaying sending their checks in. Please say it's so....
We WILL have the reunion because we have classmates that have made travel arrangements to come from Florida, Arkansas and other states. They don't get the opportunities that the '"locals" get of running into former classmates around town. If we don't get enough ticket sales or yearbook sales the reunion will go in the hole. The bills will get paid somehow because we committed to a DJ and a Hall, but, I'll be honest, it will be discouraging. We purposely set the ticket price low to make it affordable. If you are on Facebook you might be getting tired of the reminders but we need to get the word out.
I know the people that live far away may not be able to attend but if you live local and are sitting on the fence on whether to attend: It can do the soul good to reconnect with people you shared a past with and who helped shape who we are! If you went to a previous reunion and it didn't go like you wanted it to...give us another chance. I've been told 50+ year olds can be pretty mellow and by the same token, pretty fun-loving. If you come to the 40th and hate it, I won't push you to attend the 50th reunion. To be perfectly frank: High School was not the best time of my life but I will say that I have had a great time socializing with classmates whenever I have had the opportunity. Being an adult can give you a whole different perspective. What was a major issue when you were 16 can now seem like nothing when you are 50+.
If you have made the decision to attend....THANK YOU! We will love seeing you. Any tickets bought will help us cover the expenses so we can all enjoy the night with friends. If you can drop it in the mail it would really help relief some of my stress. :)
If you can't attend and want to purchase a digital yearbook to help on the fundraiser to defray the costs you can contact me and we can mail the CD to you. It's 1 yearbook for $10 and 4 for $25. Postage cost extra. If you live close, we can deliver it.
I have made every effort to email, FB, or call classmates when I get your check. If you sent a check and have not heard from me please call 219-769-3541 X 370, email, or Facebook me.
If you have lost the envelope from the mailing send ticket or yearbook orders to
Monday, June 10, 2013
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
40th Reunion
We are getting ready to send out the invitations for the 40th reunion. The committee worked hard to put this reunion together. We can't make the reunion successful, however. We worked at locating classmates, contacting all of you via email or phone (if we had a good phone number). Our goal was to make sure no one was left out or not notified. We found a DJ, located a hall, and picked a caterer. The reunion committee worked on the preparations...but the success is determined by the classmates that attend.
Be on the lookout for the invitation in the mail. You'll only have till July 1st to send a check.
If for whatever reason you don't receive your invitation. contact me at or 219-769-3541 x 370. We thought we had correct addresses but some invitations may still get lost.
The last two classmates that we have not located are:
Patti Mickey
Her father was Elmer Mickey and they lived at 4728 E. 28th Ave in 1973. We don't have any information about who she may have married.
Kathy Manley
Her father was Billy Manley and they lived at 2465 Huntington. We have heard that she may have married a Jones and lived at 2590 County Line Road. We have not been able to verify that and she no longer lives at that address.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Roger Szostek in 1973
I read this story when it was in the paper and I just had to track it down.
Bear-wrestling legend lives on
Post-Tribune (IN) - Friday, April 29, 2011
Author: By Dale Bowman ; Post-Tribune correspondent
The image of Victor the Bear hightailing it away from Roger Szostek sticks with Walter Coffman.
“I can still picture in my mind the bear running away,’’ said Coffman, a senior vice president of investment for Raymond James & Associates, Inc. “He was running away. Roger had him down. The bear ran away and he was not coming back. The bear gave up.’’
One of the collective memories for those of a certain age was attending the mega outdoors show at the Amphitheater on South Halsted in Chicago. At its peak, it drew more than 200,000 people from across the Midwest. Watching Victor whip all comers was an iconic part of the show.
That’s where the story of Szostek , a private investigator and former Lake Station police chief, is different.
After seeing an old grainy photo published this winter of Victor pinning an attendee in 1979, he e-mailed, “If you happen to have any pictures of a skinny kid on top of Victor or even on the stage I would love to see them.’’
In 1973, he and four high school friends from East Gary Edison drove to the show. Szostek , who lied about his age and said he was 18, was one of five people picked to wrestle. He wrestled at 165 pounds in high school.
Promoters asked wrestlers to immediately grapple with Victor, whose superior size and strength took over in those bear hugs.
“The bear would just flip them, throw them 10 feet,’’ Coffman said.
But Szostek told his friends he had a strategy, “When he blows that whistle, I am going to take off running toward the bear.’’
And things turned out far different than usual.
“By a fluke of luck, or answer to a quick prayer, I caught Victor off balance and he landed on his back with me on top of him,’’ Szostek said. “I was afraid that he would hurl be into the adjoining pool or worse if I stood up, so Tuffy (Truesdale) told me to just roll off. Which I did.’’
And he ran off. What he didn’t see was Victor running the other way. Truesdale, the fabled wrestler, did exhibitions with Victor.
The story lived on. Coffman has told it dozens of times. Szostek used it as an icebreaker during the interview process with the Secret Service, and one of the interviewers had wrestled Victor.
Coffman had one other memory, “We basically had to drive all the way home with the windows down because he stunk so bad (from the bear).”
Memories are nice, but Szostek would love a photo.
“I would probably pay a $1,000 for that,’’ he said.
We don't know of any video with Roger but if you are interested in Victor the Wrestling Bear, check out this video..Victor the Wrestling Bear Youtube
We don't know of any video with Roger but if you are interested in Victor the Wrestling Bear, check out this video..Victor the Wrestling Bear Youtube
Saturday, May 18, 2013
In Memory
The harshest reality of a high school reunion is learning of the death of a fellow classmate. You’re young, or maybe you feel young, so it is hard to believe a classmate just as young is no longer with you.
Linda Miller 5/29/1970
John Ramsey 12/14/1975
Thomas Dunn 12/27/1976
Lester Pointer Jun-1977
Edward Overbay Nov-1979
David Kolosci 5/21/1984
Michael Mosier 12/24/1987
Wilfred Joffre 1/10/1991
Scott Silverthorn 6/6/1994
Marlo Wahlman 2/15/1997
Timothy Murray 10/9/1997
Ronald Williamson 6/26/1998
Jerry Coppinger 10/28/1999
Mike Forney 1/8/2001
Cindy Neal Lyons 5/14/2002
Phil Havard 5/19/2002
Joyce Blatz Echterling 2/7/2004
Margaret Pilnock Palmowski 2/8/2005
Danny Hendrickson 3/17/2006
Pamela Tokash Flores 7/29/2007
William Sable 10/11/2008
James Powers 1/4/2009
James Mendez 2/5/2010
Eric Arzola 7/3/2010
Anita Berkley Hise 6/30/2011
John Grinder 12/14/2011
Darrell Breckman 10/26/2012
Jose Cuellar 11/27/2012
Betty Davis Baldridge 1/8/2013
So many things have happened
Since they were called away.
So many things to share with them
Had they been left to stay.
And now on this reunion day,
Memories do come our way.
Though absent, they are ever near,
Still missed, remembered, always dear.
Author Unknown
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Yearbooks For Sale
Debbie Gray (Hallmark) is working on a great fundraiser for the Class of 73 reunion. She and Dan Miller, fellow Edisonian, will be selling CD copies of yearbooks to offset the cost of the (7-13-13) 40th reunion.
Cost is $10 for 1 and $25 for 4. Available years are 1970-1974. So.. if you de-cluttered your house and threw out your yearbooks or if you just can't find them in all the clutter here's your chance to replace them and help a good cause. Even if you have the print, you may want to get an electronic version as a backup. All information and order forms will be on Class of 73 Blog later and in the invitation (due out in late May). Thanks to Ellen Jean Buchanan (Austin) for helping with the fundraiser.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Ronald Gene "Ron" Williamson (1954 - 1998)
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Jerry Gruett
I am still years away from retirement so I'm really impressed with Jerry's chance to retire in 1999 and move on to new endeavors. Article is courtesy of The Times newspaper.
Newspaper Link
Det. Sgt. retires from police force
Jerry Gruett will serve on Valparaiso University police force
March 18, 1999 12:00 am Carrie Rodovich
LAKE STATION -- Det. Sgt. Jerry Gruett retired from the Lake Station police force Wednesday, after 22 years on the force. Gruett has taken a position on the campus police force at Valparaiso
University, leaving 21 officers to serve on the Lake Station force.
"It's been a real honor to be here," Gruett said. "I've enjoyed working here
... (but) It's time to pass the torch on to younger guys."
Police Chief Jim Strine said Gruett's presence on the force would be missed.
"I'm sad to see him go. He is going to be deeply missed," Strine said. "I've
never heard him say a bad word about anybody. "
"He has given 200 percent his whole 22 years here. He goes the extra length in
everything he's done."
Gruett said that in June 1998, he had a run-in with Kevin Dean, the Gary man
who recently shot and killed Chicago police officer James Camp. That day,
officers located Dean after he stole a car from Portage. Dean had fled from the
car after officers blocked him at a stop light. Gruett, in plain clothes, had
tried to subdue him. Dean had twice tried to take Gruett's gun before Gruett
and another officer subdued him.
The day after Camp was killed, someone reminded Gruett that Dean was the man
with whom he had had a run-in. Since then, Gruett has spoken with those
investigating Dean, and may have to testify in a trial.
"It was eerily similar," Gruett said. "My heart goes out to the Chicago police
and to Camp's family."
To help make up for Gruett's departure, the police department has hired a new
officer, Shannon Hamara, who began working in the department this week.
Hamara, a Lake Station resident, is a graduate of Edison Junior-Senior High
School. He has worked in the New Chicago Police Department and as a millwright.
"We're really excited to have Shannon coming aboard," Strine said. "We like
having new guys come in to energize the older guys."
Newspaper Link
Saturday, May 4, 2013
What did we look like in 1967
I didn't attend East Gary schools during my elementary or junior high years but if you did or just want to see what our classmates looked like in 1967-1968 click on the link below.
7th grade yearbook pictures
7th grade yearbook pictures
Saturday, April 27, 2013
2009 Reunion
The booklet that Bud Faurote so selflessly assembled for the combined 1972 and 1973 reunion has been scanned and is available for your viewing pleasure. Click on the link below and you should go to the Google Doc that will help you prepare for your 40th reunion!
Link to 2009 Booklet
Classmates in the News
Yes there is one of our classmates in this photo.
Click on the Check out the article here to see the full article.
Check out the article here
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Where were we in 1993?
Do you remember our class colors, our class flower, or our motto?
Did you forget to attend the 20 year class reunion or maybe you threw out your 20 year class reunion booklet?
Well...all is not lost. Click on the link below and you have access to the 1993 booklet. It will give you something to talk about at your 40th reunion.
1993 Booklet
Did you forget to attend the 20 year class reunion or maybe you threw out your 20 year class reunion booklet?
Well...all is not lost. Click on the link below and you have access to the 1993 booklet. It will give you something to talk about at your 40th reunion.
1993 Booklet
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Sunday, April 14, 2013
More Photos
New photos have been added to Classmate Yearbook Shots and 2009 reunion.
Yearbook Shots:
2009 Reunion:
The goal is to have all the classmates shots in the group before the reunion.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
In Memory of Joe Loscaro
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.
--Henry Adams
Teachers were such an important part of our high school life. On the Facebook alumni site there was much discussion about Joe Loscaro. It was sad to note that he had passed at the young age of 58.
Some of the comments:
- Joe was my son's godfather... he is missed!
- What a guy...
- Yep.....Mr. A.V. Man himself!
- Joe Loscaro, He taught me to think what is now called outside the box. I sure learned lots of things from him. There were sure alot of what could only be called as eye opening experiences in his classes.
- For those of us that went to Columbus school we had him as a teacher fresh outta college then he went to the Edison teaching job loved this man he was so cool!
- I love this guy good teacher.
- I remember him getting me out of class the day after the original Star Wars opened. He had a bootlegged copy of it and we watched it in his office. Memories.
- Joe gave me his swatting paddle at the end of my Freshman Year. He wanted to give it to me on Awards day But The Principal would not allow it.
- A lot of us that went to Columbus had him him elementary before he went to the high school, so we knew him, his wife, and his mom were neat people to know. He was awesome.His Mom one Christmas made each of us in his class a snowman outta apples and marshmallows. It was neat. I kept mine in the freezer forever . It was too pretty to eat!
- He did love Star Wars! We had a fall dance and that was the theme! He sponsored us and Nancy even came! Loved him
- I had him and so did my kids loved him .
- Hey Joe! One of my favorite teachers! Passed too young.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
In Memory of John Grinder, III
JOHN E. GRINDER III LAKE STATION, IN John E. Grinder III, age 56, a longtime resident of Lake Station passed away on Wednesday, December 14, 2011. He was born on September 16, 1955 in Gary, the son of John and Rachel Grinder, Jr. John was a 1973 graduate of Edison High School. He was married to Denise Elkins on July 26, 1975 in Lowell. John had been in law enforcement for his entire life. He worked on the Lake Station Police Department, the Hebron Police Department, at the Michigan City State Prison, and also as the head of Welsh Oil Security. For the last five years, John worked in court security at the Lake County Government Center. John enjoyed being with his family and taking care of all his pets. He was a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, and a friend to all. John is survived by his loving family: wife, Denise Grinder of Lake Station; sons: Johnny E. Grinder IV of Lake Station and Joel (Heather) Grinder of Portage; one grandchild, Tyler Grugel; mother-in-law, Dorothy Elkins of Portage; and other loving family and dear friends. John was preceded in death by his father, John E. Grinder, Jr; his mother, Rachel Grinder; and his brother, Ronald D. Grinder. A funeral service for John E. Grinder III will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, December 19, 2011 at Rees Funeral Home. Cremation will follow. Memorials in John's memory may be made to the Lake County Humane Society. For further information please call Rees Funeral Home at (219) 762-3013 or online at
Published in The Times on December 17, 2011
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Classmate Yearbook Shots
Can't find your yearbook? To help you stay connected visit our Flickr page and browse through the yearbook pages.
Visit often as the pictures are added to the set. By our reunion on July 13, 2013 the entire class pictures should be posted.
Visit often as the pictures are added to the set. By our reunion on July 13, 2013 the entire class pictures should be posted.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
20th Reunion Pictures
It's great that we have a classmate that still has the pictures from the 20th reunion. If you want to go down memory lane check out the pictures on Flickr.
Thanks Debbie Hallmark Gray for taking and sharing these pictures.
Thanks Debbie Hallmark Gray for taking and sharing these pictures.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Remember Graduation
Monday, March 25, 2013
2nd Reunion
THANKS Debbie Hallmark Gray
for the great selection of photos
Can you guess who the four young ladies are?

Friday, March 22, 2013
In Memory of Timothy Murray
A guest post from Timothy's wife
My name is Anita Sliger Murray, class of 1976. I was married to Timothy E. Murray
for 20 years. We dated all through high school. We grew up on Vanderburgh St.
Tim passed away at home in his sleep in October 1997. Tim left 4 children, Tim Jr.,Dan, Eric, and Melissa. Tim will always be in our hearts, it was a shock, he was only 42 years old. I have seven grandchildren. Tim never got to enjoy them. Tim was a funny, and joking guy. Tim and his family were involved with the East Gary Little League many years ago. Tim's grandparents owned the Old Lake Tavern for many years. Tim graduated with the class of 1973. I guess I would like to see maybe a prayer service for all that have passed on from the class of 1973.
Thank You, Anita Murray and Family of Timothy E. Murray
Obituary published in Post Tribune
Timothy E. Murray, Sr. Age 42, of Portage, passed away Thursday, October 9, 1997, at his home. He was born May 26, 1955, in Gary, Ind., to the late Michael and Darlene (Albright) Murray. He was a 1973 graduate of Thomas Edison High School in East Gary and was an area resident all of his life. He was married to Anita Sliger on March 22, 1977, at Crown Point, Ind. He was a crane operator at Midwest Steel and a member of Steelworkers Local 6103, AFL-CIO. Also an Indiana state licensed plumbing contractor. He is survived by his wife, Anita, 3 sons, Timothy Jr., Daniel and Eric, and a daughter, Melissa, all of Portage; 2 brothers, Michael (Pamela) Murray, Dennis (Jamie) Murray, and sister, Katherine (Jack) Leath, all of Chesterton. Funeral services 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, October 14, 1977, at the Rees Funeral Home, Olson Chapel, 5341 Central Ave., Portage. Rev. Mark Overmyer officiating. Interment Calvary Cemetery.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
In Memory of Danny Hendrickson

in Post-Tribune on March 20, 2006
Friday, March 15, 2013
What a great time in 2009
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