Sunday, July 14, 2013

Reunion Financial Update

When we went into the reunion we were $160.96 in the hole. Thanks to Mary Ellen and ALL the classmates that attended and participated in the silent auction and 50/50 we made $164 so.... We broke even.
Thanks also to  Ruth Hornyak Pappano and Connie Howell Flowers for their monetary donations. It was close but the class came together and we paid our bills. Multiple classmates said they brought their checkbook to the reunion to make sure we broke even. Thanks to all of them and their wives who went home with silent auction items!
The yearbook sales which we continue to sell will help provide seed money for the 45 year reunion on 7-21-18. It might be the "early bird senior special". A new Picture Set on Flickr to follow with names after I catch up with the neglected yard duties. I have some great shots of the guys mopping the floors so we could get our $50 deposit back from the hall rental. Pass on the word that Valpo Eagles is a great place to rent and DJBrad is a terrific DJ.
REMEMBER: To keep current on classmate information sign up for email alerts on the right side of the page. This is a timesaver. You won't have to remember the link to our blog and won't have to remember to check to see what has been posted. And you know how our memory is starting to fail. :)

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