Thursday, June 20, 2013

Reunion Deadline Fast Approaching

We have 10 more days to buy tickets for the reunion. There is no nice way to say this. The committee put their neck out to set a reunion in motion because classmates expressed interest in having one. The tickets sales have been slow and I am hoping and praying that it is because people have been delaying sending their checks in. Please say it's so....
We WILL have the reunion because we have classmates that have made travel arrangements to come from Florida, Arkansas and other states. They don't get the opportunities that the '"locals" get of running into former classmates around town.  If we don't get enough ticket sales or yearbook sales the reunion will go in the hole. The bills will get paid somehow because we committed  to a DJ and a Hall,  but, I'll be honest,  it will be discouraging. We purposely set the ticket price low to make it affordable. If you are on Facebook you might be getting tired of the reminders but we need to get the word out.
I know the people that live far away may not be able to attend but if you live local and are sitting on the fence on whether to attend: It can do the soul good to reconnect with people you shared a past with and who helped shape who we are! If you went to a previous reunion and it didn't go like you wanted it to...give us another chance. I've been told 50+ year olds can be pretty mellow and by the same token, pretty fun-loving. If you come to the 40th and hate it, I won't push you to attend the 50th reunion. To be perfectly frank: High School was not the best time of my life but I will say that I have had a great time socializing with classmates whenever I have had the opportunity. Being an adult can give you a whole different perspective. What was a major issue when you were 16 can now seem like nothing when you are 50+.
If you have made the decision to attend....THANK YOU! We will love seeing you. Any tickets bought will help us cover the expenses so we can all  enjoy the night with friends. If you can drop it in the mail it would really help relief some of my stress. :)
If you can't attend and want to purchase a digital yearbook to help on the fundraiser to defray the costs you can contact me and we can mail the CD to you. It's 1 yearbook for $10 and 4 for $25. Postage cost extra. If you live close, we can deliver it.
I have made every effort to email, FB, or call classmates when I get your check. If you sent a check and have not heard from me please call 219-769-3541 X 370, email, or Facebook me.
If you have lost the envelope from the mailing send ticket or yearbook orders to